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Issue 398 - September 17, 2010   

Copyright Office Announces Interim Rules Reflecting Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act of 2010

Congress passed the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act of 2010, which was signed by the President on May 27, 2010. Pub. L. No. 111-175. This legislation updated and reauthorized the distant signal license for satellite carriers under Section 119 of title 17. It also amended the local-into-local satellite license and the cable statutory license in several respects. For example, it adjusted the rates for the use of the cable statutory license, accounted for the retransmission of digital broadcast multicast streams, and modified the methodology used by cable operators for calculating royalty fees. The purpose of the interim rule is to account for the new statutory provisions under Sections 111, 119, and 122. For further information, go to www.copyright.gov/docs/stela/.


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