Copyright Office regulations codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These regulations are also known as Circular 96.

Chapter II--Copyright Office, Library of Congress
Subchapter B--Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel Rules and Procedures

Part 251--Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel Rules of Procedure

Section Title

Subpart A—Organization

251.1 Official addresses
251.2 Purpose of Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panels
251.3 Arbitrator lists
251.4 Arbitrator lists: Objections
251.5 Qualifications of the arbitrators
251.6 Composition and selection of Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panels
251.7 Actions of Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panels
251.8 Suspension of proceedings

Subpart B—Public Access to Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel Meetings

251.11 Open meetings
251.12 Conduct of open meetings
251.13 Closed meetings
251.14 Procedure for closed meetings
251.15 Transcripts of closed meetings
251.16 Requests to open or close meetings

Subpart C—Public Access to and Inspection of Records

251.21 Public records
251.22 Public access
251.23 FOIA and Privacy Act

Subpart D—Standards of Conduct

251.30 Basic obligations of arbitrators
251.31 Financial interests
251.32 Financial disclosure statement
251.33 Ex parte communications
251.34 Gifts and other things of monetary value
251.35 Outside employment and other activities
251.36 Pre-arbitration and post-arbitration employment restrictions
251.37 Use of nonpublic information
251.38 Billing and commitment to standards
251.39 Remedies

Subpart E—Procedures of Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panels

251.40 Scope
251.41 Formal hearings
251.42 Suspension or waiver of rules
251.43 Written cases
251.44 Filing and service of written cases and pleadings

Discovery and prehearing motions


Conduct of hearings: Role of arbitrators

251.47 Conduct of hearings: Witnesses and counsel
251.48 Rules of evidence
251.49 Transcript and record
251.50 Rulings and orders
251.51 Closing the record
251.52 Proposed findings and conclusions
251.53 Report to the Librarian of Congress
251.54 Assessment of costs of arbitration panels
251.55 Post-panel motions
251.56 Order of the Librarian of Congress
251.57 Effective date of order
251.58 Judicial review

Subpart F—Rate Adjustments Proceedings

251.60 Scope
251.61 Commencement of adjustment proceedings
251.62 Content of petition
251.63 Consideration of petition; settlements
251.64 Disposition of petition; initiation of arbitration proceeding
251.65 Deduction of costs of rate adjustment proceedings

Subpart G—Royalty Fee Distribution Proceedings

251.70 Scope
251.71 Commencement of proceedings
251.72 Declaration of controversy: Initiation of arbitration proceeding
251.73 Deduction of costs of distribution proceedings

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